Keeping up with your clients is quite the balancing act. How much is bothersome? How much is not enough? So what is the balance? What is the best way to reach out to clients or prospects while giving them something of value before you annoy them? Well...it’s your lucky day! I have the perfect way.
Reach out right after the company’s earnings calls.
After listening to their earnings call, you’re able to articulate a great deal of pain points for the company. What could be of value to them right now? How are they struggling and how are they succeeding? What areas can you help them with? This is a noteworthy way to be efficient while on your call without being overbearing. You’ll sound competent because you’re genuinely engaged in the success of their company, and you can prove it with their own executive's words.
While listening to the earnings call, you can find out what the goals are for that quarter, assess what areas they’re hoping to focus on, and which ones they feel like they’re having success in. These are all distinguishable icebreakers to be able to chat about with your prospects.
Do you remember our 5 driver model? Cash, Profit, Assets, Growth, and People. This is a model that can be broken down, to help pinpoint the goals and objectives for the company. Pinpoint which of the 5 drivers they’re trying to focus on. Which of them are causing the company pain? Which of the 5 drivers are they feeling successful in? Is there a driver they're putting on the back-burner that could really benefit them?
This is why business acumen is so important. It helps articulate the best ways to navigate a company, business metrics, communication skills, and so much more.
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