Building Business Acumen®
Turn Your Leaders Into Business Leaders
Our customized Building Business Acumen® course will help any professional from any industry, understand the big picture of their business, align decisions to corporate strategy, break down communication barriers, take advantage of opportunities to grow, and much more.
Learn to Speak the Language of Business
Know What CEOs Need You To Know
Make Bolder Business Decisions
Did you know…
9 out of every 10 employees don't understand important metrics.
And if that's not bad enough...
70% of employees are disengaged and 95% of employees don't understand their company's strategy. Too many companies have employees who are more interested in getting their work done than seeing how their work contributes to the bottom line.
Your solution awaits...
Building Business Acumen
When employees have business acumen, productivity accelerates, engagement improves, and solutions come together as individuals, teams, and executives align around common objectives
Use the 5 Business Drivers to understand how your company makes money
Develop a working knowledge of financial statements and strategy
Align your individual and team decisions with executive initiatives
Improve engagement by helping employees recognize the importance of their role
Identify 2-3 business priorities and develop a personal action plan
Make bolder and faster business decisions
Help your employees become experts of your business
As easy as 1, 2, boom!
Acumen Learning’s Building Business Acumen® course can help any professional, from any department, understand the business of our business. Using real-world examples and focusing on issues important to your work, you’ll learn a simple framework to quickly cut through business complexities, gain a satellite view of the business, improve your track record of success, align decisions to corporate strategy, fix present problems and prevent new ones, break down communication barriers, take advantage of opportunities to grow, and much more.